Forms and Resources

Resources, Forms, Publications and Documents available for Support Groups. Some of these resources are also available to purchase from Guide Supplies.

1. Policies and Procedures 
1.1 website Girl Guides Australia Guide Lines for Girl Guides and Girl Guide Volunteers
1.2 pdf QPP.AD.01 GGQ Policy and Procedures 
1.3 pdf QPP.FI.02 GGQ Policy and Procedures - Operational Finance
1.4 pdf QPP.FI.01 GGQ Finance Governance Policies and Procedures
1.5 pdf QP.SG.03 Hints and Guidelines for Support Groups
1.6 pdf QP.AD.59 GGQ Communications Guidelines for Managers and Leaders

2. Finance Property and Insurance
2.1 pdf QP.FI.17 Simple Book Keeping - SG
2.2  Receipt Book
2.3  QF.FI.27 2024 GGQ Cashbook Template Multi-group Account
2.4  QF.FI.27 Girl Guides Queensland Cashbook Template 2024
Includes Audit Statement (Receipts and Payments Summary on Sheet/Tab 6). 
This spreadsheet has been produced to help Units, Districts, Regions and Support 
Groups with their financial records.
3. Property and Insurance
Girl Guides QLD Property and Insurance forms
 Property and Insurance Forms

4. Forms
pdf QF.ME.07 SG Membership application 
pdf QF.SG.02 Annual General Meeting Report
pdf QF.FI.11 SG Payment Request  
pdf QF.IP.02 Licence to Occupy Contract  (to be used by any group or individual who have public liability insurance)
pdf QF.IP.04 Licence to Occupy - One Off Event  (to be used for a one off event by any group or individual who have public liability insurance)
pdf QF.IP.08 Licence to Hire Facility Agreement  (to be used by any group or individual who do not have public liability insurance)

Insurance Certificates 

 QP.IP.03 Industrial Special Risk Certificate of Currency
 QP.IP.01 Motor Fleet Certificate of Currency
 QP.IP.09 Public Liability Certificate of Currency

Hints and Tips

Record Keeping 

With a number of Districts celebrating anniversary milestones, it is important to record details as things happen. Here are some ideas on how to update and maintain District records. 

  • Use an A-Z expanding file. Allocate a year for each slot, it's easy to slip annual reports, award programs, newspaper clippings etc into the appropriate year. 
  • Lots of photos to organise? A Support Group meeting could involve trying to name all the people in the photos and the when and where details. Record the results. Select a good range of photos to be scanned for a digital copy. 

Membership Lists and Fees
Local Support Group  membership lists need to be kept up to date. This is vital should a situation arise where a vote is required on an important decision.

Strong Friendship
One of the laws incorporated in our promise is that of being friendly. The strongest Support Groups are those where friendship among members is strong. As “locals” reach out to newcomers to your area – you never know there could be a Guide, a Leader, a Support Group member there just waiting to be asked. Support Group is not just a meeting, it is working together in the Guiding Spirit to benefit girls and women in your town, our state, our country.

Reward Your Leaders
While Leaders do not look for rewards, be aware of the time they give and surprise them somehow. Maybe nominate them for a Good Service Award.

End of year Checklist

End of year Financial Records / Accounts
It is an appropriate time of the year to check financial records to make the end of year an easy task. Progressive totals and balances will ensure that those elusive amounts, e.g. bank interest/fees, are recorded correctly and not missed. All Districts should be using at least two bank accounts.
Financial accounts to be audited in preparation for your Annual General Meeting (to be held before 31 March).
Please contact State Office if you need help finding an auditor.

The Budget
It is important that time is taken to check budgets to ensure that your costs are able to be covered during the holiday period and any change-over time next year. You may need to pass a resolution authorising the payment of recurring accounts during the holiday break. If you receive a cheque from any Guide account this year, please bank it before the end of December to make balancing of accounts easier.
Prepare a budget for next year. Include any regular expenses plus any special events/equipment you are planning.

AGM Date?
Have you set the date for your AGM? Now is the time to do this. A District that has an early AGM gives itself a head start in the New Year. Consider who will take Office Bearer positions for next year.

Fundraising Plans
Review this year’s fundraising and make plans for next year. Most community groups take some time to start the New Year and forward planning now may help you achieve well in the first term.

An end of year celebration for the whole District is a good way to finish off the year.